
联系电话: 13925121769
通信地址: 广州市大学城中山大学东校区南实验室大楼E303
2005/07-2006/10 ,欧洲核子中心诺贝尔奖得主丁肇中院士,太空暗物质反物质探测器(项目人员)
2015、2017、2018 ,美国麻省理工大学暑期合作
《数字信号处理与DSP器件》 本科
《模拟电路》 本科
《数字信号处理实验》 本科
《集成电路设计与高层次综合》 研究生
《数字信号处理技术与实践》 研究生
《嵌入式系统设计与实践》 研究生

1. Yuelai Yuan, Le Tu, Kan Huang, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Tiejun Zhang, Dihu Chen, Zixin Wang*, "Area Optimized Synthesis of Compressor Trees on Xilinx FPGAs Using Generalized Parallel Counters", in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 134815-134827, 2019
2. Kan Huang, Yangye Geng, Xibin Zhang, Dihu Chen, Zhigang Cai, Min Wang, Zhen Zhu* and Zixin Wang*, "A Wide-Band Digital Lock-In Amplifier and Its Application in Microfluidic Impedance Measurement", SENSORS 2019, 19, 3519.
3. Kan Huang, Xibin Zhang, Dihu Chen, Zhigang Cai, Min Wang and Zixin Wang*, "Implementation of Digital Lock-in Amplifier Based on High-level Synthesis", ICSIP2019.
4. Yile Zheng, Lianlian Jia, Kan Huang, Zixin Wang*, Zhigang Cai*, "High-Consistency Dual-Channel Lock-In Amplifier", ICAICA2019
5. Ziyun He, Shaoquan Liao, Zixin Wang* and Jianping Guo*, "A Power-Area-Efficient Low-Dropout Regulator With Enhanced Buffer Impedance Attenuation", ASICON2019.
6. M. Aguilar, L. Ali Cavasonza, K. H. Guo, Z. H. He, Z. C. Huang, T. X. Li, Z. X. Wang, et al. "Observation of New Properties of Secondary Cosmic Rays Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station",PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 120, 021101 (2018).
7. M. Aguilar, L. Ali Cavasonza, K. H. Guo, Z. H. He, Z. C. Huang, T. X. Li, Z. X. Wang, et al. "Observation of Fine Time Structures in the Cosmic Proton and Helium Fluxes with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station", PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 051101 (2018).
8. M. Aguilar, L. Ali Cavasonza, K. H. Guo, Z. H. He, Z. C. Huang, T. X. Li, Z. X. Wang, et al. "Observation of Complex Time Structures in the Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron Fluxes with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station", PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 051101 (2018).
9. M. Aguilar, L. Ali Cavasonza, K. H. Guo, Z. H. He, Z. C. Huang, T. X. Li, Z. X. Wang, et al. "Precision Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Nitrogen and its Primary and Secondary Components with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station", PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 051101 (2018).
10. Le Tu, Yuelai Yuan, Kan Huang, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Dihu Chen, Zixin Wang*, “Improved Synthesis of Compressor Trees in High-level Synthesis for Modern FPGAs”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2018.
11. Zhen Zhu*, Weijie Chen, Beitong Tian, Yulong Luo, Jianfeng Lan, Di Wu, Di Chen, Zixin Wang, Dejing Pan, "Using microfluidic impedance cytometry to measure C. elegans worms and identify their developmental stages", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2018)
12. Xiaohui Qiu, Dihu Chen, Zixin Wang*, “Response of Ring Oscillator to Periodic Interference on the Power Supply”, AEU-Int. J. Electron. Commun. , 82, 383–390. 2017
13. Ming-Chao Duan, Zhi-Long Liu, Jian-Feng Ge, Zhi-Jun Tang, Guan-Yong Wang, Zi-Xin Wang, Dandan Guan, Yao-Yi Li, Dong Qian, Canhua Liu, and Jin-Feng Jia, “Development of in situ two-coil mutual inductance technique in a multifunctional in scanning tunneling microscope”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 88, 073902, 2017.
14. Xiaoqiang Zhang, Zixin Wang*, “Parallel Distributed Arithmetic FIR Filter Design Based on 4-2 Compressors on Xilinx FPGAs”, ISPCC 2017
15. Le Tu, Yuelai Yuan, Kan Huang, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Zixin Wang*, Dihu Chen*, “Improved Synthesis of Compressor Trees on FPGAs in High-Level Synthesis”, FCCM 2017.
16. Hengfei Zhong, Zhuoquan Huang, Dihu Chen, Tao Su, Zixin Wang?, “A mechanism for detecting on-chip radio frequency interference of field programmable gate array, Integration”, the VLSI Journal, Vol. 58, pp 82-90, June 2017.
17. Xiaohui Qiu, Tao Su, Zixin Wang*, “Operational Frequency of Ring Oscillators under Periodical Interference on the Supply”, ICSICT2016.
18. Jie-Fang Huang; Song-Jia Han; Hui-Jiuan Chen; Gui-Shi Liu; Gong-Tan Li; Yu-Cheng Wang; Zi-Xin Wang*; Bo-Ru Yang; Zhen-Hua Luo; Han-Ping D. Shieh, “Enhancement of polar phases in PVDF by forming PVDF/SiC nanowire composite”, IEEE Journals & Magazines, Vo.23, Issue 6, pp.3612 – 3619, Jan. 2016.
19. Yibin Wang, Lin Yan, Tao Su, Zixin Wang*, “The Measurement Method of 2D Distribution of EMI in the on-Chip Power Distribution Network”, ICICM2016.
20. Jiaming Li, Ji Liu, Leonardo de Melo, Le Luo, Tianshu Lai, Zixin Wang*, Sub-megahertz frequency stabilization of a diode laser by digital laser current modulation, Applied Optics, Vol. 54, No. 13, May 2015.
21. Zixin Wang, Yehua Yang, Dihu Chen,Min Chen,Tao Su, Challenge of the Process Variation on Designing the On-Chip EMI Sensor Array, Sensors & Transducers, Vol. 180, Issue 10, pp. 28-36 Oct. 2014.
22. Tao Su, Hanyu Zheng, Yehua Yang, and Zixin Wang*, “The Frequency Behaviour of the Intrinsic Immunity of the On-Chip Transistor Circuit”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 45, 111-114, 2014.
23.Jiaming Li,Le Luo, Jeff Carvell,Ruihua Cheng, Tianshu Lai, and Zixin Wang*, “Shot-noise-limited optical Faraday polarimetry with enhanced laser noise cancelling”, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 103101, 2014.
24.Zixin Wang, Yehua Yang, and Tao Su, “Frequency Behavior of the Microcontroller Immunity Against the Conducted Radio Frequency Disturbance on Supply Pins”, Unifying Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering, pp.1829-1838, 2014.
25.Hongbin Zheng,Qingrui Liu, Junyi Li,Dihu Chen,Zixin Wang?, “A Gradual Scheduling Framework for Problem Size Reduction and Cross Basic Block Parallelism Exploitation in High-level Synthesis”, ASP-DAC 2013.
26.Dongdong Teng, Lilin Liu, Zixin Wang*, Yueli Zhang, Biao Wang, Interactive holographic three-dimensional display with a spatial mouse, Optics Communications, Vol. 306, pp. 121-127, Oct. 2013.
27.Tao Su, Yehua Yang, and Zixin Wang*, “Critical model components and their fingerprint features in the simulated conducted radio frequency immunity of complex integrated circuits”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 139, 689-720, 2013.
28.DongdongTeng,LilinLiu,ZixinWang*,BixiongSun,BiaoWang, “All-around holographic three-dimensional light field display”, Optics Communications, Vol. 285, Issues 21–22, pp. 4235-4240, Oct. 2012.
29. Hanyu Zheng; Zixin Wang*; Tao Su, “An initial study on the frequency dependent failure mode of the crystal oscillator under radio frequency interference”, ICSICT2011.
30. Zinxin. Wang, Jiamin.Li, Junqi.Deng, ZhiFeng Chen, TianShu.Lai*, “Synchronized time- and high-?eld-resolved all-optical pump–probe magneto-optical setup based on a strong alternating magnetic ?eld and its application in magnetization dynamics of high coercivity magnetic medium.” Rev. Sci. Instrum. , 82, 034703, 2011.
31. Zixin Wang; Yongfeng Liu; Jiapeng Zhang; Jun Wang; Zhenhui He, “A multi-channel scalable integrated detection platform based on scanning magnetic field method for commercial GMR spin-valves”, pp. 431 – 435, IEEE/ICME 2011.
32. Junqi Deng; Xiangsheng Xie; Jianying Zhou; Zhigang Cai; Zixin Wang*, “Fourier Spectrometer based on a wide-range and nanometer stabilized Michelson Interferometer”, pp. 1-5, OSA-IEEE-COS 2010.
33. Qi Fang; Weijiang Zhang; Zhiyong Pang; Dihu Chen; Zixin Wang*, “A Proposed Fast Word Level Sequential Scheme and Parallel Architecture for Bit Plane Coding of EBCOT Used in JPEG2000”, pp. 1-4, ICMT2010.
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[4] 王自鑫等,基于GMR自旋阀免疫生物传感器的检测方法, 中国国家发明专利:ZL200910041727.3(授权)
[5] 王自鑫等,一种基于大行程纳米精度定位控制系统的傅里叶光谱仪, 中国国家发明专利:ZL 200610034966.2 (授权)
[6] 王自鑫等,一种一维干涉光场的控制稳定方法和系统, 中国国家发明专利:ZL 200610035638.4(授权)
[7] 王自鑫等,一种光学镀模近红外膜厚监控仪, 中国国家发明专利:ZL 200310117670.3(授权)
[8] 王自鑫等,一种全息平面印刷术中的光场控制方法及其系统, 中国国家发明专利:ZL 2006100122927.8(授权)
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[12] 王自鑫等,一种基于Cordic算法的数字锁相环, 中国国家发明专利:ZL201110029187.4(授权)
[14]王自鑫等,一种纯电动车用电池组SOC估算装置及其估算方法,中国国家发明专利:ZL201010299631.X (授权)